The story of Caedmon is the earliest remaining Old English poem written sometime between 658 ad 680 (Bede 24). The story, which was written by Bede, is a PARABLE that tells the story of how Caedmon receives the gift of song. Caedmon “had lived in the secular estate” until after he received the gift of song from the Lord (25). He was obviously a common man before he was blessed with song. His background affects what praises he has to sing.
When Caedmon falls asleep he is blessed with song. When told to sing of creation, Caedmon sings:
“Now we must praise
heaven-kingdom’s guardian.
the Measurer’s might
and his mind-plans,
the work of the Glory-Father,
when he of wonders of every one,
eternal Lord,
the beginning established.
He first created
for men’s sons
heaven as a roof,
holy creator;
then middle-earth
mankind’s Guardian,
eternal Lord,
afterwards made-
for men earth,
Master almighty” (25-26).
Listen to Caedmon's Hymn in its original language (Scroll about 1/4 of the way down the page)
The first time reading Caedmon’s words they seem rather elementary. Although many Christians (and probably a fair amount of non Christians) would be able to recite the first two lines from Genesis,
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”
without even thinking about what they are saying, but by looking at what Caedmon is saying closer some interesting things are revealed.
Caedmon is not just telling of the creation story. Most of what Caedmon is sings about is God’s great power and kindness in what he had created. The hymn tells of how God “first created for men’s sons heaven as a roof” and “afterwards made for men earth” (26). This passage tells of Gods great power because he was able to create both heaven and earth. It also tells us that God is kind. He was thinking of man when he was creating heaven and earth. If God were not kind he would have only created heaven and earth with his needs in mind. As Megan Connell said,
“Bede chooses to portray the goodness of God.”
The creation story is fairly simplistic, but it is complex to explore who and what God is. This is especially because God is a little different to everyone. Caedmon, as a common man, sees God as a guardian, mighty, eternal, creator, almighty, and lord.
In today’s Christian culture some of these beliefs vary. With secular culture being most prominent in the world many Christians are beginning to question the story of creation. There are many variations to the story of creation that have come about. For example, many people question if the earth could actually be made in six days. It is becoming normal in our western culture to either doubt the existence of God or to undermine his power and authority. Bede shows Christianity at it’s most basic form; humbling yourself before the creator.